20 Nov 2012

3º eso. The Amazon.

The Amazon is the planet's largest remaining rainforest, teeming with more wildlife than anywhere else on Earth. But this majestic rainforest is caught between the twin destructive forces of deforestation and climate change. Let's find out the true value of this unique and magnificent place.
Visit this link and do the reading comprehension activities and the translation section.
Deadline  Nov 30th

14 Nov 2012

3º eso. The White Death. Extension Activities

If you want to expand your vocabulary on Crime and Punishment while reading the book The White Death, visit the following link and do the activities. Crime and Punishment - The Justice System, by serene
Find this and other general vocabulary exercises in English Exercises .org Deadline Nov 28th

9 Nov 2012

Before Obama

“There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America -- there is the United States of America”
Barack Obama.

In this web you will meet some of the African Americans who have helped Obama to reach the White House.
click here