15 Feb 2012

A Short Love Story in Stop Motion. 2º ESO

This activity consists of narrating the events according to the cartoons using all the verbs in past tense. Watch the video as many times as you need in order to choose the verbs and organise all the information for the story.

Past Continuous

Grammar Activities. Past Tense
Visit the following link click here and practise the use of Past Continuous.You can comment your final score!


If you want to find out more information about the film we've just watched, visit the following link, in which the actor Richard Jerckins and the director Tom McCarthy talk about The Visitor click here . 
Then read the following questions and send your answers to my e-mail account.
 Deadline 27th February.
Then answer the following questions in your own words.
a. How does Richard Jerkins define a supportive actor?
b. Why does Richard Jerkins say "It just feels like a gift" ? What does he refer to?
c. How does Jerkins describe Zainab and Tarek?
d. Why does the writer of the article say that The Visitor is "
a film of two halves"?
e. What does the director say about characters' own prejudices? What scenes does the director describe in order to support his ideas?
f.  How does Tom McCarthy describe Zainab?
g. Where did the director write the story?