8 Jan 2013

Oscar and Lucinda. 1º Bachillerato. Ampliación.

I. Answer the following questions about the film.
1. What's the bet between Oscar and Lucinda?
2. Why do people from Sidney refuse and criticize Lucinda?
3. Why can't Oscar take the glass church by sea?
4. Who is in love with Lucinda and decide to leave her and move to another place?
5. What kinds of things does Oscar have to face up  during his journey?
6. Finally, Oscar dies inside the glass church as if it were a cage. Do you think it may have any symbolic meaning in the story?
7. Describe the characters of Oscar and Lucinda and their relationship. Mention the importance of freedom and religion in their own lives and in the story itself.

II.Online Activity.
Visit the following link Ralph Fiennes talking about Oscar and answer the following questions.
a. How does the interviewer describe the actor Ralph Fiennes?
b. How does the actor describe Oscar?
c.What's the meaning of the expression " It's apparent with Oscar And Lucinda that you're in no danger of being typecast"? 
d. What was Fiennes' favourite scene from the film? Why?

Deadline 1/ 14